The Cultural Lending Library brings cultural experiences, sport and art to all citizens. For example, it allows you to borrow tickets for cultural events or season tickets for sports matches from Järvenpää Library using your library card. The cultural lending library has been funded by a charity event organised by Järvenpää Entrepreneurs Association in August 2023. Local businesses can also offer their own services at the lending library.

Cultural experiences, sport and art available to all citizens through the Cultural Loan Office

The idea behind the Cultural Loan House is Järvenpää Entrepreneurs Association. The idea has been implemented by Roope Lehtoranta, Chairman of the Entrepreneurs, Petra Willberg, Vice-Chairman, and Mari Orlo, member of the Board of Directors.

- The idea for the Cultural Loan Shop came about when we were considering a destination for the proceeds of our charity event Katukoris. We wanted to bring joy and build community through both the event and the donated proceeds," says Petra Willberg. Working with the city allowed the library to get involved and gave us an easy way to run the lending library," she continues.

Currently, the cultural lending library allows you to borrow Raiders Basket season tickets and Kotone Sport padel tickets. In addition, the Cultural Lending House has donated Pilates rolls and padel racquets that can be borrowed. The library also received tickets for the Studio 123 cinema, but they ran out due to high demand.

- During the spring, the aim is to increase the range of products on loan. We hope to find a few services that will give you an experience and some items that will bring you joy," says Mari Orlo. We welcome your suggestions and wishes on what you would like to borrow from the Cultural Loan Shop. Companies can also offer their own services to the lending library, she adds.

The cultural services of the city of Järvenpää welcomed the idea. The library has a number of important tasks defined by legislation, such as promoting equality and equality of citizens and active citizenship. Libraries are accessible to all and provide free access to information, learning materials, cultural heritage and entertainment. Järvenpää City Library already has a wide range of material to lend, and the cultural lending library's products complete the selection.

- All that is really required is that the new type of material to be borrowed should be within the limits of the library system and lending practices. So the idea of a cultural lending library fits in well with the basic mission of the library," says Suvi Kauranen, the librarian in charge.

The city is happy to work with local and innovative entrepreneurs

- The concept allows cultural and sporting experiences to be shared by all. What is also unique is that this is a purely entrepreneurial idea," says Pirre Raijas, Cultural Director of Järvenpää.

For more information:
Mari Orlo, entrepreneur, tel. 040 568 1895

entrepreneur Petra Willberg, tel. 044 269 6586

City of Järvenpää, Cultural Director Pirre Raijas, tel. 040 315 2244

Photo by Noora Puotiniemi